Some dead guy who makes music


The Afterlife

Joined on 11/12/22

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CliffFromHell's News

Posted by CliffFromHell - 8 days ago

For those of you who are (mercifully) ignorant to the goings-on outside of this site, a certain former bird app is in the middle of circling the drain. There's a competitor in the wings, but to be blunt it doesn't really appeal to me in terms of site culture or user base. If microblogging's Big Kahuna dies-dies, then this will most likely be my main focus site. Just wanted to get that out there

Posted by CliffFromHell - June 21st, 2024

So, long story short: I'm dead now. Murdered for bullshit reasons. That's not relevant to you guys; What IS is that my next few songs will be significantly edgier than usual. Might post them here, might not. Might even dip into my archives for something old to post. We'll see


Posted by CliffFromHell - November 12th, 2023

Something compelled me to check this page today... And after looking at my news history, I realized why: Today is the 1st anniversary of me opening this account

I didn't intend to borderline-neglect this page, but as I keep saying: A good portion of my music might not fly here, and I've been too busy with other projects to do many originals recently. But this site's been good to me so far, so once I make some more you can rest assured I'll be sharing them here

Posted by CliffFromHell - July 8th, 2023

I thank you all for the warm reception to my first few uploads, both the ones from November and the ones from the last couple of weeks. I just wanted to take this opportunity to shill my YouTube music page, where there's a whole lot more music of mine to listen to. Mostly because the stuff there is either too outdated for me to want to throw in the Audio Portal, or just doesn't really make sense demographically to bring to Newgrounds. I'd also like to remind you all that a couple of Newgrounds-exclusive songs are in the works, to make up for the songs I won't put up here. Thank you, and happy listening

Posted by CliffFromHell - November 12th, 2022

In my quest to make my future as stress-free as possible, I've returned to this place from my past

I'm Cliff, and I make music. Will most likely upload some of it to the Audio Portal later. 'Til then... Greetings